What Are The Symptoms Of Dementia?

By Victor Hugo

Dementia causes a loss of function to specific areas of the brain. Memory, language, attention, and cognitive function are often affected. Its cause is an interruption of the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the brain caused by the blockage of small blood vessels that feed the brain. The Symptoms of Dementia are memory loss, moodiness, disorientation, and communicative difficulties.

Signs of memory loss in the early stages of the disease are absentmindedness or forgetfulness. For example difficulty remembering the way home, names, or what happened earlier in the day. In later stages the memory problems become progressively worse. Family members are not recognized or confused with one another, regular tasks became more difficult to accomplish, and familiar objects and places are not remembered.

Mood swings manifest as the areas of the brain that govern emotional control are damaged. Anxiety and fear may also affect the ability to control emotions as the dementia patient becomes terrified by the things that are happening to them. Changes in personality, apathy, or irritability are also probable as the disease progresses.

Sometimes a person with dementia becomes lost and disoriented in known surroundings and wanders off. Dressing appropriately is also a problem because the patient cannot judge which article of clothing is the correct choice to wear a given situation. Time of day can also be confused which can cause a person to have an overwhelming need to go outside in the dead of night. The perception of danger to oneself and others is also off because judgment is impaired.

Difficulties in communication for the dementia patient makes them harder to understand and harder for them to talk or read or write. Inappropriate words are substituted in their sentences without them realizing it and speech can be slurred. Simple words are forgotten, coherent speech becomes more challenging and finding the right words for what they want to say is problematic.

Further Symptoms of Dementia are dizziness, troubles in the solving of problems, difficulty in the handling of money, and a lack of concentration. Sadly as the time passes the afflicted one will progressively lose the ability to care for himself, or herself. Thus needing full time support and care at some point. - 31803

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Alzheimer's Disease and the Effectiveness of Complementary Health Approaches

By Christian Goodman

As there is an increase in natural health remedies, many types of trials were conducted on Alzheimer's disease too. As everybody knows that Alzheimer's as of now do not have any cure. So many researchers took different approaches to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by Alzheimer's.

Can Complementary Health Approaches Help Alzheimer's Patients?

Yes is the answer many researchers have got. Complementary health approach means these approaches are combined with the existing treatment. These approaches are not complete replacement, when combined with regular treatment gives very good results.

Health treatments may include herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage, and exercise. As with any health treatment, one must be informed before proceeding. This is especially true with Alzheimer's patients who depend on their caregivers to make healthy choices for them. Remember that some of these treatments are not monitored in the same way as prescription medications. This does not mean that they are not effective; it simply means that you should be informed. These health approaches are also supposed to work with another course of treatment or therapy.

Apart from that it should also be mentioned that there was much research done regarding to health remedies and many more researches are following. The outcome of these researches are that the regular treatments are very effective when it is combined with these natural health remedies.

The following are the available complementary health approaches

Supplements from herbal

There are a number of herbal supplements that have been studied in regards to Alzheimer's disease but none so much as gingko biloba because it has been claimed that this herbal supplement can aid with memory function and cognition.

This is because this herb will increase the memory functions. This will also sharpen the brain areas that controls memory power. But it is also important to remember that gingko biloba may also have some side effects. It is proved by researchers that gingko biloba can cure people with some kind of dementia.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical treatment that has been used for thousands of years in Eastern culture and has actually been widely accepted in Western culture as a potentially effective treatment with several disorders such as migraines and chronic pain.

A recent study at both the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women in Wellesley, Mass. and the University of Hong Kong, did report positive and promising results in small studies on the effect of acupuncture on Alzheimer's patients.

There was another study that was conducted in Honk Kong. In this study there were eight patients who got treated for Alzheimer's and there was a great improvement in their memory power and verbal communication. In wesley study ten people with Alzheimer's disease and one with vascular dementia are treated with acupuncture. They were treated two times a week continuously for three months. From this treatment it has been found that this acupuncture treatment increased the mood and memory of those patients.


There was many researches going on in the field of massage. Massage is also considered as an alternative treatment for many general health problems. But there was not a great deal of research that correlates massage and Alzheimer's. But limited research that have been done shows that massage can bring down the agitation and anxiety levels of affected persons.


The same is true for Alzheimer's patients as long as a trained professional is advised and supervising the program and exercises. Light exercises, as well as those specifically designed for Alzheimer's patients, can be extremely beneficial in improving mood, coordination, and even behavior. The benefits of exercise as a alternative health approach is marvelous.

How Can I Find Complementary Health Interventions?

The first best place to start is to consult with your physician. You family doctor will be able to guide you in the right direction. Many of the doctors who treat Alzheimer's know the importance of having many approaches to the treatment. Most of the doctors do recommend alternative treatments.

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Gingko Biloba Can Be Used In The Treatment Of Dementia

By Christian Goodman

Lately a research has be initiated to know how helpful is gingko biloba in treating patients who is suffering from dementia and memory loss.

More than 3000 patients have been used for this study. These patients were given gingko biloba two times a day for the period of six years. But there no improvement in their memory or language capabilities. A study which was initiated in University of pittsburg has been published by The Journal of American Medical Association.

The war between conventional medicine and natural remedies has proved to be a never-ending debate. While the practitioners of conventional medicine claim that there is no proof of the efficacy of various herbs and natural remedies, those who take the holistic and natural approach feel that conventional medicine uses far too many chemicals and has an approach that is symptomatic in treatment.

Dr. Joe Mercola did 33 clinical trials in 2002 to prove that gingko biloba mixed with other various substance can help in improving the memory of people who suffered from dementia.

Another independent research conducted in Austria reviewed 10 randomized controlled double blind clinical trials and stated that the gingko biloba extract was as effective, if not more, than the regular medicines prescribed by conventional allopathic physicians.

Nobody knows this, if the results of pittsburg was proving that the other results were fault or it has some methodology flaws.

A never disorder is called Dementia, this has a high chance of happening to old aged people. Dementia can be caused by stroke, concussion or a nerve disorder. The problem will get serious by every passing day.

The fact is the quality of life of the patient will definitely get affected. The are medicines available to control the symptoms and effects of dementia.

The patient should practice the following learning the art of using memory aids, computerized recalling devices and mnemonics. Wherever the patient remains, be it a hospital or home he should practice some regular memory exercise that will help to slow down the progression of this disease.

While there are some options available in conventional medicine, it is best to adopt a holistic approach so that the treatment can carry on without the burden of side effects and a debilitating lifestyle.

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Effects Caused By MSG On The Body

By Christian Goodman

In a recent television show which I was watching a man went to a Chinese restaurant and asked the waiter "Does your food contain MSG?" In turn the waiter asked "Do you want MSG?" The man said no and the waiter responded we never had MSG and will never have too.

It was the most recent thing at that time. I was recalling the first time I heard of MSG. Nowadays, it seems every people is trying to avoid it.

But I was wondering how many really know the side effects caused by MSG. And how many of them are really trying to avoid it for health. I also avoid MSG.

A flavor enhancer created chemically is called MSG. The Japanese discovered it in 1900's and it's in use from that time.

The best thing is one should always try to avoid MSG. It is mostly used in ready to eat food, canned meat, processed food and soups.

The words may be "natural flavorings" or "hydrolyzed sodium." In some labels MSG is substituted with some other words.

But what is the problem with MSG? If it enhances the favor and the taste of my food with no side effects.

The problem is MSG do has side effects and some of them are major. It is an excitoxin. The chemical is MSG will actually excite the brain neuron's and sometimes cause them to even die.

Side effects can include rashes, headaches and symptoms of allergies such as sneezing, wheezing and nasal discharge.

As this chemical additive affects the brain, it can for many, exacerbate an already existing neurological disorder such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.

Dangerous and some times life threatening side effects are related to MSG. Some of them are asthma, brain cell death and tumors.

Yes, taste is great but so is our health. In the end, natural is best so in order to ensure optimal brain activity and health, I avoid MSG and would encourage others to do so.

My Dementia program is highly recommended to someone who is suffering from dementia or mild Alzheimer's. It is full of natural exercises with proven results.

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Our Aging Population Higher Incidence Of Alzheimers Disease

By Buddy U. McLellan

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative, incurable, and terminal disease found by Doctor Alois Alzheimer in 1906. A person suffering from this disease has a progressive corrosion of brain cells. The person may look healthy and strong but there will difference in memory thinking, behavior, and speech. However, these signs are ignored by some individuals. They believe that is caused by aging.

Patient with Alzheimer's disease or commonly known as dementia, has a strange tissue contains neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques that affect behavior and thinking. Alzheimer's disease attacks a person in different types. While the development of its symptoms differs among affected individuals. It progresses on people with ages three to twenty years old, however, classifying the beginning and ending of symptoms at each period is tough.

What are the basic presentations and pathology and pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's? In the brain matter itself "neurofibrillary tangles" and "amyloid plaques" develop. The brain matter itself is not normal -it has been changed. Hence the brain and memory functions among others changes as well. Normal brain tissue is simply gone and so with it certain mental functions - most notably short term memory. You may well be able to conduct a good and logical conversation with an affected Alzheimer patient about past events of 30, 40 or even 60 years ago. However ask them what they had for breakfast or what they did 10 minutes before and that they will not be able to recollect or remember.

As the Alzheimer's disease developed, several symptoms can be seen on the patient. It includes aggression, mood swings, confusion, irritability, and memory loss. Some of these patients are having trouble using their senses. They can not speak and failure to recognize their relatives. There are treatments and regimes for Alzheimers disease available. There are also a lot of lay and "quack" medications available. Families seem to be able to spend anything to stop their agony and the suffering of the Alzheimer's patient. They are desperate plus mentally and emotionally exhausted. Several facts must be understood by the Alzheimer's family and friends when it comes to treatment options. First the patient can never get better - the brain is damaged itself and is beyond repair.

While the disease progress, symptoms includes confusion, mood swing, aggression, irritability, and memory loss. Some are not capable using their senses, as well as communicating to their relatives. There are no available treatments for this disease; however, exercise, balanced diet and mental stimulation are advised. Closed relatives must show affection to make the patient feel the importance of their life. Some patients are founded rejection from eating foods, while other disregards care giving. Alzheimer's disease is a terminal illness. Person under this situation will not die unless they don't have a healthy lifestyle. - 31803

Alzheimer's Disease And Ayurvedic Herbs

By Nicole Kerala

Over the years, more and more Ayurvedic Alzheimer's herbs have been used by many people in order to prevent the degenerative Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive medical condition which affects the brain and is known to manifest in elderly people.

Although the majority of the patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease are people who are over the age of 65, there are many risk factors for developing the disease. Some of these factors include high blood pressure, genetics, coronary artery disease, head trauma, high cholesterol and lack of essential brain exercise.

The warning signs are not always immediately apparent, but can be noted: gradual memory loss is the most common, poor cognitive skills also raise a flag, as well as dementia and personality problems.

Although there is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease and the condition progressively worsens, there are a number of Ayurvedic herbs that can help slow the degeneration caused by the disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a form of brain damage. There are many Ayurvedic Alzheimer's herbs that are known to slowly treat brain damage and improve the overall quality and functionality of the brain cells. Some of these herbs include Guduchi, Pancha-Tikta-Ghruta Gugguli, Amalaki, Musta and many others.

One of the most important things to do if you are at risk of developing Alzheimer's is to practice routine brain exercises. This in conjunction with consistent use of Ayurvedic herbs can have a powerful regenerative and normalizing effect.

These natural remedies and formulas include Mandukparni, Guduchi, Yashtimadhuk, Padma, Vacha, Convolvulus pluricaulis, Nelumbo nucifera, Shankhpushpi and many more. These natural herbs are great for slowing down the worsening progress of the disease, as they decrease the imminent destruction of brain cells. Because of their ability to achieve a certain level of the brain's working potential, these remedies are great in stabilizing brain functions and when used consistently, can even help regenerate the brain cells that have been damaged by the disease.

Plenty of other Ayurvedic herbs also help keep the brain damage caused by Alzheimer's to a minimum. There has not been a lot of modern scientific research about these herbs as of yet, but more and more researchers are taking interest in their potential.

AlzCare is one of the best Ayurvedic herbal blends on the market for Alzheimer's; this blend of five rejuvenating herbs nourishes brain cells by maintaining oxygen and blood supply. Ashwaganda is an especially powerful ingredient that acts as a nervine tonic to rejuvenate cells and boost energy. The other herbs in this blend include Arjun, Amalaki, Galo Satva, and Kutaj.

The treatment and intake of these herbs should be done at the very onset of the diagnosis. Treating the disease in its early stage is crucial to slow its progress. Specific, early and accurate diagnosis is therefore significant when it comes to people with the Alzheimer's disease. This herbal treatment may be the key to leading normal and healthier life. - 31803

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