In a recent television show which I was watching a man went to a Chinese restaurant and asked the waiter "Does your food contain MSG?" In turn the waiter asked "Do you want MSG?" The man said no and the waiter responded we never had MSG and will never have too.
It was the most recent thing at that time. I was recalling the first time I heard of MSG. Nowadays, it seems every people is trying to avoid it.
But I was wondering how many really know the side effects caused by MSG. And how many of them are really trying to avoid it for health. I also avoid MSG.
A flavor enhancer created chemically is called MSG. The Japanese discovered it in 1900's and it's in use from that time.
The best thing is one should always try to avoid MSG. It is mostly used in ready to eat food, canned meat, processed food and soups.
The words may be "natural flavorings" or "hydrolyzed sodium." In some labels MSG is substituted with some other words.
But what is the problem with MSG? If it enhances the favor and the taste of my food with no side effects.
The problem is MSG do has side effects and some of them are major. It is an excitoxin. The chemical is MSG will actually excite the brain neuron's and sometimes cause them to even die.
Side effects can include rashes, headaches and symptoms of allergies such as sneezing, wheezing and nasal discharge.
As this chemical additive affects the brain, it can for many, exacerbate an already existing neurological disorder such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.
Dangerous and some times life threatening side effects are related to MSG. Some of them are asthma, brain cell death and tumors.
Yes, taste is great but so is our health. In the end, natural is best so in order to ensure optimal brain activity and health, I avoid MSG and would encourage others to do so.
My Dementia program is highly recommended to someone who is suffering from dementia or mild Alzheimer's. It is full of natural exercises with proven results.
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It was the most recent thing at that time. I was recalling the first time I heard of MSG. Nowadays, it seems every people is trying to avoid it.
But I was wondering how many really know the side effects caused by MSG. And how many of them are really trying to avoid it for health. I also avoid MSG.
A flavor enhancer created chemically is called MSG. The Japanese discovered it in 1900's and it's in use from that time.
The best thing is one should always try to avoid MSG. It is mostly used in ready to eat food, canned meat, processed food and soups.
The words may be "natural flavorings" or "hydrolyzed sodium." In some labels MSG is substituted with some other words.
But what is the problem with MSG? If it enhances the favor and the taste of my food with no side effects.
The problem is MSG do has side effects and some of them are major. It is an excitoxin. The chemical is MSG will actually excite the brain neuron's and sometimes cause them to even die.
Side effects can include rashes, headaches and symptoms of allergies such as sneezing, wheezing and nasal discharge.
As this chemical additive affects the brain, it can for many, exacerbate an already existing neurological disorder such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.
Dangerous and some times life threatening side effects are related to MSG. Some of them are asthma, brain cell death and tumors.
Yes, taste is great but so is our health. In the end, natural is best so in order to ensure optimal brain activity and health, I avoid MSG and would encourage others to do so.
My Dementia program is highly recommended to someone who is suffering from dementia or mild Alzheimer's. It is full of natural exercises with proven results.
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About the Author:
Christian Goodman is recognized all over the globe for his unique cure to many complicated and even incurable conditions. His revolutionary dementia remedy is helping thousands of people right now. Know more about Christian and his cure on his natural health alternative blog.